Presenter: Roma Widiyansari
Date: 2016/10/20
In conventional seismic refraction method, the data is analyzed by picking travel time information and performing a Wiechert-Herglotz integration to produce a velocity-depth profile. This wave equation continuation method gives alternative approach to refraction inversion to produce velocity-depth models directly from the recorded data without picking travel time. The procedures consist of two linear transformation: a slant stack of the data produces a wave field in the plane which is then downward continued using
as the imaging condition to retrieve velocity-depth model. The method is iterative because it is necessary to specify a velocity for the continuation. The solution produced by a given iteration is used as the continuation velocity function for the next step. Convergence is reached when the output wave field images the same velocity-depth function as the input to the continuation. The method is illustrated with several synthetic examples and with a refraction data recorded in the Imperial Valley, California.
Clayton, R. W. and McMechan, G., 1981, Inversion of Refraction Data by Wave Field Continuation, GEOPHYSICS Vol. 46, No. 6 (june 1981): P. 860-868. 6 FIGS., Canada.
Gorman, A. R. and Clowes, R. M., 1999, Wave-field Tau- p analysis for 2-D velocity models: Application to western North American Lithosphere, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 26, NO. 15, PAGES 2323-2326, AUGUST 1, 1999, Canada.
McMechan, G. and Ottolini, R., 1980, Direct Observation of a Curve in the Slant Stacked Wave Field, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 70, No. 3, pp. 775-789, June 1980, Canada.
Turner, G., 1990, Aliasing in the tau-p transform and the removal of spatially aliased coherent noise, GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 55, NO. 11 (NOVEMBER 1990); P. 1496--1503, 7 FIGS., Australia.